Taipan began the year with big intentions. Full steam ahead, don’t take any notice of the world stage and surrounding circumstances. We were going to make a massive difference and the customer would see all the benefit…..
We had big goals
- 100% supply and order fill rate.
- Stackers to full utilisation throughout all branches.
- CRM in place and operational.
- Inward goods processes upgraded to allow minimum distribution lag.
- Product and industry training plan for every staff member.
- Barcoding installed and operational at last.
Big goals but we had them measured and in our sights. We hit the year hard.
We contracted a consultant to overhaul procurement and get the year rolling.
We were so determined to fulfil our goal of 100% supply that for the first time in the history of the company, we placed orders for more product than we actually had on the shelves.
Training plans, weekend work, late night conferences with IT consultants and international manufacturing partners helped Taipan forge significant progress forward.
The world hit back with a vengeance, lockdowns causing devastating effects on specific industry sectors and stimulus packages that saw money pouring through the streets like liquid gold.
Unprecedented demand and shipping chaos never seen in two hundred and fifty years, raw material shortages and price increases with no end in sight.
Gaps formed in shop aisles as product piled up on manufacturers factory floors while ports battled the congestion in the maddening nightmare.
Yet small wins appeared through the gloom, with the six of our team who worked so hard the previous year to secure a spot in the line to qualify for their very first home, eventually did, and have now moved in and are living what is arguably one of the greatest Australian dreams of owning your own home.
To share in the achievement, Scott Morrison with his massive entourage swarmed Taipan Caboolture and left us wondering which megastar we could invite next.
We even managed to make a few customers happy when they won scooters, drones and other cool as prizes.
And as we reached the end of another huge year, we took a breath, looked up and noticed 15 years had passed since Craig began at Taipan. Fifteen years of product development, ensuring our range improved every single day and as he signs off for the last time we reminisce on the challenges, the opportunities, the achievements. Thanks Craig it has been a blast.
We cast our mind forward to tomorrow where our new journey begins, unfinished goals are nailed back on the board and new ones are forged and in the words of Big Kev……..”We’re excited”.