At first glance, figuring out what kind of crimper will best suit your needs can seem like a daunting task. The options can sometimes feel overwhelming. Do I go big? Do I go small? Which brand is best? Am I getting the best value for money?
Those are just some of the questions we hear frequently here at Taipan.
To help answer some of those questions, I recently sat down with our CEO of Operations and our East Coast Operations Manager to discuss the most important things to consider when choosing a crimper.
- Assess the kind of work you do
The first thing you should be considering is the kind of work you do, or the work you are planning to do in the future. If you are consistently working with local machinery or servicing particular machines, brake lines, or EWP’s, your best bet is probably going to be a machine that crimps half an inch or less. If you’re a mobile business, you’ll also need to consider your access to an air supply.
- What sector of the industry are you targeting?
Unless you’re planning on servicing the mining or quarry industry, you probably don’t need to invest in the big guns. You don’t want to be splashing out on the king of all crimpers when something smaller might get the job done just as well for your needs but for a fraction of the cost. Bigger isn’t always better.
- Personal presentation and reputation
If you have a shop counter, chances are you’re going to want to appear professional. This is where your crimper choice can get tricky. While an air over hydraulic press may get the job done, they’re also incredibly loud and look like they require more effort to the untrained eye. This sort of crimper may give the wrong impression to your customers if it’s in view. If that’s the case, a 240v press on a stand would look and feel more professional.
- How many hoses do you crimp?
If the number of hoses you crimp every day isn’t overly high, a 25 mini would probably be a good choice. However, if you find yourself crimping a significant amount of hose on the daily, a 32 might be more suited.
- Compare brands
When it comes to crimpers, there can be significant differences between brands. Make sure you do your research on which brand is going to work best for you and your needs. Crimp speed is one of the big things to look out for if you’re tossing up which crimper to go with. The speed of a crimper can differ a lot depending on the make or model.
Here at Taipan, we’ve seen all kinds of crimpers over the years, which is how we know for a fact that Hydralock crimpers are some of the fastest on the market. Other presses can take anywhere from 15-20 seconds for a single crimp. If you’re crimping multiple hoses, that extra time really starts to add up. Think about your personal needs and make sure you do your research to ensure you’re choosing the right brand and model for you.
We hope this has helped answer some of the crimper questions you might have had. If you would like any more information or advice when it comes to choosing the right crimper for your needs, please reach out to one of our friendly customer service team members on 1300 654 782 or pop into your local branch for a chat.