Why is it so important to attend field days?

by Allan Sandilands

I often get asked, why is it so important to attend field days? Well, there’s no doubt, staff and customers are the lifeblood of any successful business and the interactions and relationships we form can be the difference between downright average and a raving fan.

In the fast-paced digital world we live in, it’s never been easier to connect with people anywhere, at any time. Sure, with Covid restricting us all to some degree the digital age has shown its value in keeping us all connected, but let’s face it, the myriad of online platforms to keep us all chatting aren’t always suited to everyone, and rightly so! We’re all different, our businesses all unique, and our expectations vastly differ.

That’s what I love about field days, they have the ability to bring likeminded people together. Networking within your market on a large scale has always had it challenges but done right, it can have such a lasting effect and be a heap of fun too!

They play a massive part in showcasing businesses and concepts, whether you’re the next best thing, or have been around since the beginning of time, these shows are great events that give you the ability to connect to people in a way that’s so much more personal and real than any digital platform will ever allow.

Studies show that people need to see your business at least several times before they decide to give your business a go…

Field days give your business a blank canvas on how you choose to present yourself. They also give you the opportunity to create brand awareness: This type of exposure can lead to great networking and new clientele. The more you expose your brand at these types of events, the more trust you build within the community. Studies show that people need to see your business at least several times before they decide to give your business a go… The more you put yourself out there, the closer you are to creating that connection and allowing the opportunity for people to remember who you are, and what you do, the next time they find themselves looking for your service or product.  

I’m always blown away when chatting with people about just how far and wide they are willing to travel to be part of a field day and the importance it holds for them to be an active participant.  

Without a doubt really understanding your purpose and the importance of relatable networking, will mean your time at these events will provide some of the most honest and unfiltered conversations you could ever have. It’s an awesome chance to make some real connections you would never have had the opportunity to create before.

So the next time you’re slaving away packing your trailer or truck, skinning your knuckles or losing the fight against the wind wanting your marquee to become a kite, remember to have fun and enjoy the moment. You would never have had the same opportunity from your office.