JUNE 2024

The Monthly Wrap Up

Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes at Taipan? Thanks to the monthly ‘Hose Down’, we’re allowing you to take a sneak peek behind the curtain at what our team has been up to lately!

Ag Fest

Our fearless crew embarked on an epic journey across the Tasman, braving the skies and seas to launch the year’s most anticipated event on the Field Day calendar – AgFest! Johnny, our seasoned Field Day enthusiast, led the charge with Joe and Ian by his side. Together, they transformed our stall into a buzzing hive of excitement, showcasing Taipan merch and handing out prizes like there was no tomorrow! 

Despite Tasmania’s reputation for unpredictable weather, our lucky trio basked in three glorious days of sunshine! Sure, it took a bit for our Queenslanders to thaw out, but thanks to our trusty gas patio heater, they were soon feeling toastier then ever! 

Word on the street is that the Taipan brand left a lasting impression, making waves that even reached the ears of our National Sales Manager, Alex, who had to get in on the action. 

Could this be the start of something big? Is a brand-spanking new Taipan Branch about to sprout up in Tassie? The excitement is intense, and the possibilities are endless! 

New branch daydreaming aside, there is no rest for the wicked, with the crew busy preparing for the next big event- FarmFest in Toowoomba in June.  Make sure if you’re in the area that you don’t miss out on all the fun – we can’t wait to see you there!!  

Cyclone Celeste

Last week our Dream Mentor jetted up to Queensland for a visit to Rocklea. She spent an entire week mingling with the team and talking about all the important stuff – personal goals of course! With an enthusiastic crew, she fit right in, we heard she may even enjoy hanging out in Rocklea more then she does Melbourne (but you didn’t hear that from us!) Maddie may have something to say about that though, with the title of Rocklea’s Positivity Queen on the line. The girls ended up sorting it out, in true Taipan style – boxing gloves and all. Who won, the girls won’t say, so were going to call it a tie!     


Luke and Dylan from our Melbourne Branch have been busy hitting the books hard for the last 12 months. They are now extremely proud to announce they have completed their Certificate 3 in Supply Chain Operations and are requesting their titles change to Warehouse Legends. Well done, guys! We are super proud of you both! 

Taipan’s setup at AgFest 2024 in Tasmania. The skies couldn’t be more blue!

Celeste from Melbourne visits Rocklea, and battles Maddie for “Positivity Queen”.

Melbourne boys, Luke and Dylan, get their Certificate III of Supply Chain Operations and Celeste snaps a photo to commemorate. Well done guys!