APRIL 2024



Would you believe it’s been six whole months since our last stock update.  

Things have been pretty smooth sailing since we last filled you in on where we were at, with no major changes to our product levels. 

With 13 months of stock on hand, we have plenty of the right gear at each of our 5 branches to ensure you’ve got what you need when you need it.  

Backorders are also extremely small, which we all like to see and we have plenty, and we mean plenty of stock coming in to ensure we’re keeping up with our increasing growth. So much so that our head office car park now looks more like a container yard, but who needs car parks anyway😝  

We’ll be sure to keep you updated if anything changes over the next 6 months, but with our predictive software really coming into its own and our awesome purchasing team keeping a sharp eye on all things product-related we’re aiming for much of the same in the months to come!